- Security clearance. Each piece of equipment goes through lengthy "pre-import" approval and post-arrival "import release" approval processes. But everyone involved knows that computer hardware doesn't pose any cyber-security threat. Cyber threats are generally software and network based. In fact it's difficult to think of a single example in the world of a national security problem which can be solved by controlling which computers are allowed into the country. To be blunt, it is a gigantic waste of time. The national security interest should be focused on the energy security of the country. Is the power company planning the supply and demand correctly? The current approach makes no more sense that limiting the number of light bulbs that enter the country.
- Import duty and investment incentives. Capital investments are charged lower import duties. This is an understandable objective. However, the process of qualifying is extremely onerous and often arbitrary. It requires an investment license which creates enormous complexity as I've written about before. Once you start operations you have to switch from an investment license to an expansion license, which has a new set of requirements like minimum payroll etc. Each shipment has to be gruelingly reviewed and approved by the investment commission, by the ministry of finance, as well as customs commission. Besides the inefficiency, the uncertainty is huge. Imagine importing equipment not knowing if the import duty will be 3% or 40% until after it arrives. Any misstep carries the risk of huge penalties, and at worst, the equipment can in theory be confiscated. For a data center, capex efficiency is a life or death matter, so the import risks are high enough to scare away most rational investors. It makes it very hard for a company to grow investment progressively. It would be much better to simply have a constant low import duty, say 5%, for all equipment and get rid of the investment license. The businesses would be happier, and the government would likely make more revenue from the boom.
- Customs. Besides security and investment approvals, you have to go through customs. These offices are notoriously inefficient and unfair. To make matters worse, the more they delay, the more revenue they generate. Conversely, if they clear stuff too fast and at a low price, the individual customs agent can be suspected of corruption. This creates a cruel incentive for them to become ever more inefficient. A crucial reform would be to a) introduce the following key performance indicator: total customs revenue divided by average time to clear shipments. Tie it to salaries and promotions of the customs officers and their managers. Those who get the most revenue in the least time would be rewarded. And b) create a public database of assessed value and duties paid for all shipments. (The public database shouldn't have the name of the importer, just the numbers). This combination would help eliminate unreasonable delays and corruption, as both the importer and the customs agent would be incentivized to quickly agree on the correct value.
Datacenter potential in Ethiopia
Free at last
The government could simply revoke the law that says Abebe, Berhane and the banks are not allowed to exchange their USD for ETB at whatever price they agree to. That's what is meant by jargon like "float" or "unification", "liberalization", etc. Just let the two parties agree on a price. No other laws need to change. Any product that is illegal can remain illegal. Banking licenses don't need to change. Just decriminalize voluntary price. That's it.
And, surprise! That is actually the current Ethiopian government's position. Don't take my word for it. It said so in 2019: Ethiopia: Central Bank announces floating exchange rate regime. And again in 2020: Ethiopia Plans New Key Rate, Floating Currency to Boost Economy. Even now in 2023, exchange rate unification remains the goal. But the policy is "gradual", and 4 years in, the peg remains and the gap is growing. So what are we waiting for? Why don't they just waive this magic wand today?
To be blunt, the political cost of doing the right thing is very high.
Proposition AG1: Ethiopia imports more than it exports. If the exchange rate is freed, things that were imported at 50 ETB/USD will now be imported at 100 ETB/USD and so imports will be more expensive. This will cause inflation. Inflation will cause the currency to weaken further. And as the exchange rate goes up the prices will go up even more. And so we will have an unstoppable spiral of general price inflation and currency weakening.
Proposition AG2: Government budget includes a number of things paid for in foreign currency. So that portion of it will double. Tax collection is already down in the last couple of years, because of war etc..Where will it get the money? And the white people want the government to cut spending and increase taxes. The economy can't support that. This will lead to printing and inflation. Ethiopians are poor. Now they will be poorer.
Proposition AG3: The people are poor. Cost of living is high. 70% of the population earns less than 50 dollars [a month]. Inflation makes life harder for the poor.
- Customs is hell. This week the customs commission suddenly decided to freeze imports of capital goods including those that are en route and those that have already arrived and been cleared. This is a devastating cost to many businesses, including some that would be generating forex.
- Land transportation from Djibouti to Ethiopia, both trains and trucks, is plagued by congestion and insecurity.
- The Houthi blockade of the Red Sea is extremely costly for trade to/from Ethiopia.
- Political problems and violence handicap many parts of the economy, including exports.
I expect
— Nemo Semret (@nemozen) July 29, 2024
1. bank rates will rapidly converge to the current parallel market rate, maybe a bit lower.
2. market rate will not go down but it will rise more slowly, over the next 6 months, % change of ETB/USD will be less than the last 6 months.
3. longer term, ETB will strengthen pic.twitter.com/lJz0yg81z7
Five books: Asia
An extraordinary book. This episode of history is strange but at the same time a bit familiar. Marxism puts "class struggle" as one of the foundations of politics. That makes class labels an extremely powerful weapon. Whether it is at the top of the national party or in the smallest village committees, all it takes is a tiny minority of sociopaths to figure out this weapon will get them power, and it leads to inevitable escalations of ostracism: capitalists, bourgeois, petit bourgeois, kulaks, liberals, the list of enemy classes always grows. The rituals become crazier, the language itself becomes insane, and the violence extreme. The Chinese cultural revolution is perhaps the largest ever version of this process. The "cancel culture" of western society in the 2010s is almost harmless by comparison but it is a prototype of this process. If you can imagine it raised to the n-th power, multiplied by a lot of cruelty and sadism, growing for a couple of decades of political madness, you can maybe get a sense of what it might have been like in China from the mid 60s to the mid 70s. Or you can just read this book.
- At the beginning, in the year 1600, it was not the British government, but a private company with shareholders in London, equipped with a "charter" from the King (basically a business license), that decided to go trade in India. I am against the idea of business licensing in general, and reading this book didn't change my mind about that to say the least!
- During most of this time, the British could not even imagine controlling India. On the contrary, they were in awe of the wealth and power of India. They had to curry favor, and beg for permission from the Mughal authorities. Their focus was to compete with other Europeans especially the French, and make money by connecting the wealth of India with Europe. If you went back to say 1700 and told a British guy in India that his successors would rule the country, it would seem completely ridiculous.
- Over 250 years, through incredible ups and downs, the company evolved from simply trading, to participating in the politics of the empire, to eventually dominating the country militarily, and then gradually being replaced by the British government. The more famous period of colonialism as we know it was less than 100 years, from 1858, when the British government nationalized the company, until 1947.
- Nowadays, the biggest companies in the global stock market are 20 to 50 years old. But the British East India Company occupied an equivalent position for over 200 years!
- Interestingly, the British started dominating India politically right around the time when they started losing their colonies in North America which became the USA. There are actually quite a few people who fought in the American war of independence, the conquest of the Mughal Empire in India, and the Napoleonic wars in Europe. Can you imagine? Pretty dramatic couple of decades.
Bitcoin mining in Ethiopia: the good, the bad and the ugly
Full disclosure: I'm a co-founder of QRB Labs, the first company to introduce Bitcoin mining to the country. We've been quietly working since 2021 to do this the "right way" against tremendous odds. But this post is not our company's story. It's a skin-in-the-game opinion about how this industry should evolve for the benefit of the country. To highlight the good it can do. But also the risk of bad, and ugly.
The Good
First let's talk about the positive. Energy in Ethiopia and Bitcoin mining are a match made in heaven.
In Ethiopia, electricity generation capacity is growing very rapidly. From 2GW in 2020 to over 10GW in the next couple of years. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (which I've written about before) is the biggest and most famous step in that growth, but there are many projects contributing to it. All of course phenomenally good. Indeed, practically nothing is better for economic growth and broadly improving lives than electrification. For comparison, the average Ethiopian has 1/50th the electricity of an American. So, until we get to 100GW at least, another 1000% growth, increasing generation is unquestionably necessary.
But there's a catch. It is extremely difficult and expensive to deliver that energy to users. In the case of Ethiopia, some estimate that $10B of investment and years of hard work are needed for transmission and distribution to catch up to generation. In the meantime, up to half of the generated energy remains unused. Which means the investment in generation takes longer to pay for itself. Meanwhile how do you finance the transmission and distribution? It's a huge chicken and egg problem, and it's unavoidable when there is rapid growth.
In more developed countries, capacity may not be doubling or quadrupling but a similar problem exists with solar and wind power. Huge investments in supply are needed, but the demand may not match up with the supply, since consumption peaks don't line up perfectly with the times when the sun shines or the wind blows. Whether caused by the difference between the time of generation and consumption, or by the distance, this is the problem of "stranded energy".
Now what if there was a way to make money from stranded energy? In Ethiopia, this revenue could help accelerate electrification! That's where Bitcoin comes in:
"the competitive dynamics of Bitcoin mining are such that it shifts in time and space to the lowest available cost of electricity. This occurs not just by deploying hardware to various locations, but also by turning miners on or off instantly. This flexible demand-side support makes mining the ideal customer to balance variable supply...." from "The Dynamics of Bitcoin Mining" by yours truly.
Thus the energy demand profile of data centers that host high energy computations makes them the perfect customer for Ethiopia's stranded energy. Bitcoin even more so than other data applications because:
- Bitcoin mining is location agnostic. It doesn't matter if it runs in Antarctica or the Sahara as long as it's connected to the Internet.
- It's also time agnostic. Each hash computation is independent of the previous one. You can mine 24 hours a day, 12 hours a day, at random times. Of course miners, in order to be profitable, must be very good at making the complex trade offs between between energy cost and hardware utilization. But they don't inherently need 24x7 power.
- Further, contrary to common perception, it doesn't actually need very much bandwidth. The entire blockchain is still barely more than half a terabyte!
- And equally importantly, it's all public data. The entire world can see all the inputs to the miners. So there's no data sovereignty, legal information jurisdiction or cyber security issue.
- Mining is purely infrastructure for running computers. There's no link between the locations of the miners and the users of Bitcoin. So Bitcoin mining doesn't depend on local regulations about money and financial services, legality of "cryptocurrencies" etc.
P.S. This post is months overdue! And it's too long. To quote Mark Twain: “I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
Startups in Ethiopia: 5 obstacles the government should remove

Simplify company registration
To formally register a company you have to register the name at the Ministry of Trade. Then you to do a "Principal Registration". And third you have to do a tax registration. While these are not the biggest problems, it could easily be made into a single step instead of three.
Furthermore, in the registration process, the company address is a surprising complication. In most countries you can legally start a company with pretty much any valid address. It could be your house, your friend's apartment, a corporate agent or lawyer's office, a post office box, whatever. Google started in a garage. Dell started in a college dorm. The vast majority of technology startups don't get a long term office until they have at least gotten some traction with a product or customers. Nowadays, with the growth of remote work, it may be a long while before you need a traditional office. But in Ethiopia, you have to have a formal commercial lease in the company's name, and it can't be a residence. You have to make a legal long term real estate deal before you can do anything, even if the business doesn't actually need it nor can afford it.
Document authentication
Not only that, the lease has to be authenticated by the government. If the lease is signed by a building manager, you have to prove the manager has a power of attorney from the landlord. If the building has more than one owner, each owner must provide the power of attorney. If one of the owners is outside the country, the power of attorney must go through the "apostille" process, involving the ministry of foreign affairs of the other country, the Ethiopian embassy in the nearest country, and the Ethiopian foreign ministry in Addis Abeba. The process takes weeks or months.
The same process is required for many other company documents, like shareholder agreements, investment agreements, etc. It's hard for people from normal countries to even imagine this. It's absolutely insane.
In most countries, business agreements are mainly up to the parties involved. Whether they write their agreement from scratch, use templates, hire lawyers, notarize etc. it's really up to the two parties to be as formal as they need. If there's a misunderstanding or dispute, the two parties negotiate a common understanding of what the agreement was and settle it. Very rarely, the dispute goes to court. But even then the court can interpret business agreements even if they weren't authenticated by the government. There's almost never any a priori authentication or approval by the government of a simple business agreement.
But in Ethiopia, one spends countless hours at the "Document Authentication and Registration Authority". This government office is often praised for being relatively well managed and efficient compared to most bureaucracies. So this is not a criticism of their performance. The issue is that too many other government functions require you to go there. Even the simplest deal that you could document on the back of a napkin has to be treated as if it's the last will and testament of Croesus. Why do so many business agreements have to be verified and approved by the government, even when the parties involved don't need that? This is ridiculously time and effort consuming. A burden that startups can ill afford.
Business license
A bigger issue is that every business requires a business license. In most countries, you can just register a company and get to work. You may need a license if you sell alcohol, or weapons, etc. You need a license to drive a car or to perform surgery. But those are activities where there's a specific concern for the safety or health of others, and that justifies preemptive government control of that particular activity. Outside of those, in a normal country, by default things are allowed unless explicitly forbidden. In Ethiopia everything is forbidden unless explicitly allowed. You must get a license in a predefined category. If the right category doesn't exist, tough luck. If you are expanding vertically, you need to get another license instead of just doing it. When you are doing something new, or growing, this is a real barrier.
Investment license
There's a concept of "investment license". You need to ask permission from the government to invest! If you are used to a relatively free economy this is bizarre. Why? There's already criminal law to prevent or punish specific things. Why should the act of investing in a completely legal activity require permission? Everyone will tell you investment licenses are very important in Ethiopia, but almost no one can explain why the concept exists. Like in the parable of the gorillas in a cage, that's just the way it's always been.
If you are lucky enough to find a rare person who can explain it, you learn it was intended to encourage investment. And licensing was meant to regulate who can get tax breaks and other incentives. So it was supposed to be an optional positive incentive mechanism. But it has evolved into a barrier, you have to overcome it whether you want the incentives or not. Random government agencies routinely say: show me your investment license or else you can't do this or that.
To make matters worse, there are state and federal level investment licenses, and maybe a dozen different commissions who give them. Which one do you go to? It is surprisingly difficult to get the answer. It depends on whether you are classified as foreign or domestic investors, and on where your operations are. What if they are in more than one state? What if you are a person of Ethiopian origin but established abroad, are you domestic or foreign? It all depends. And making the wrong guess can be very dangerous. You have minimum investment amounts, in some cases it's US$150K, in others US$200K. If you invest US$149K, could you be breaking the law? It is very hard to make sense of it all.
To get an investment license, the company has to pass an audit by the ministry of revenue. Even if your company was founded yesterday and has zero revenue, you have to do this audit which can take weeks. In a normal country, you pay taxes once a year. If the government suspects the payment is incorrect, it does an audit after the fact. The principle is: If you cheat, you get caught and pay the penalties. In Ethiopia, investors are treated like they are cheating before they get started. Imagine if the police arrested you every morning because you might decide to commit a crime that day. And then you prove your future innocence and they let you go to work.
By the way, is the license for the company or for the investor or both? Most people can't even answer that. It's very difficult to even find the right rules, let alone understand and obey them.
Far from being a positive incentive mechanism, the investment license has become a Kafkaesque bureaucratic weapon. And when such a weapon is available, it creates a pockets of bribe-seeking criminals in government.
Unrealized valuation increase may be taxed
Say you found a startup. You register the company with shares divided between you and your co-founders, with a nominal value like $1 per share. After some progress, an investor comes in with a $500K investment for new shares of the company at $10 per share. On paper, your founder shares increased in price from $1 to $10. But this gain is not "realized", no shareholders received any cash. The $500K goes to the company's expenses to help it grow. Of course, if there are salaries, every employee, founder or not, pays ordinary income tax. But no one pays capital gains taxes yet. It's only if the company succeeds and you sell your shares for more than the original price ($1 for founder, $10 for the investors) that you pay capital gains tax. If the company fails, there are no gains and no capital gains taxes. This is how it works in most places.
In Ethiopia too, in theory, capital gains are only taxed when realized. But apparently the tax authorities sometimes demand that, when investors buy new shares for $10, the company pay 30% tax on the capital gain from $1 to $10. And this payment is required up front. So $150K goes to the government, and the company only gets $350K to work with. Obviously no one wants to make an already risky investment where you lose 30% on day 1.
One solution is to simply not increase the share price. Keep it at $1. But that means the most basic mechanism of tech startups, which is that founders and employees get most of the value through their "sweat equity" doesn't work.
What if you don't ask the government for permission? Investors could just do the stock purchase agreement and simply wire the money to the company? In the US, there is no government involvement, you just do it. It doesn't mean anything goes of course, you have to make sure your investors are accredited and that you are not misleading them or committing fraud. But all these are things that you can just do. There's no prior approval. In Ethiopia, that is very risky. If the investment money is given to the company without a government license, it may be treated as corporate income and taxed at 30%. Or worse, you could be accused of some kind of financial crime.
What is to be done?
Entrepreneurs love to take risks, to solve hard technical problems, build products, serve people, improve the world, make a small dent in the universe. And in Ethiopia, God knows there is so much to be done, it should be an entrepreneur's paradise. But what you end up working on are these pathetic artificial problems created by bad government. No one grows up dreaming of getting a license from the government or a letter from this bureaucrat or a stamp from that office. The striking thing when you talk to entrepreneurs in Ethiopia is how often you encounter dreams ground to dust.
But here's the silver lining. Solving these problems does not require any money. In fact, nothing here is asking for help or any favors from the government; every single idea here is about something the government should not do. Specifically
- Delete the requirement for an office lease and combine the trade and finance ministry process into a single step. Let startups be startups.
- Delete the requirement for document authentication for business agreements. The government has no business getting involved in private business agreements.
- Abolish investment licenses. Convert the investment commissions into consulting bodies that the private sector can go to voluntarily for help. They should provide service and not have any power to license, to permit or forbid. If that means tax incentives go away, so be it. Don't let the tax tail wag the business dog. Real entrepreneurs don't do stuff for tax breaks. They do it because they want to do the thing.
- Abolish business licenses as the general case. Licensing should be limited to areas where there is a clear potential for harm to the public or third parties not involved in the business. The government should be forbidden by law from imposing licensing requirements unless they can prove this potential harm.
- Eliminate pre-emptive audits, taxation, clearance etc. The tax authorities already have plenty of power to catch cheaters after the fact. There is no need to involve them in any aspect of gate keeping investment.
It's simple. But it is not easy. It requires a lot of courage and wisdom. The wisdom to understand that the government needs to do less and get out of the way. The courage and skill to implement reforms where special interests who benefit from inefficiencies will resist. DELETE is the missing key in Ethiopian bureaucracy.
P.S. Thanks to Tessema Getachew and Henok Assefa for feedback on a draft of this post. And to Addis Alemayehu and others for previous discussions (e.g. here and here). All inaccuracies are my own. Comments and feedback welcome!
The mother of all distortions: Ethiopia's foreign currency peg
Check your ideology at the door
Perhaps the biggest economic topic in Ethiopia today is foreign currency. Sadly, much of the discussion around it is low quality. Instead of reasoning from first principles, people drown in jargon and misunderstood theories: inflation, socialism, neoliberalism, colonialism, IMF, China, bla bla bla. Whether the motivations are naivete or special interests, the result is many strongly held but incoherent beliefs. To navigate this, let's be guided by this (perhaps apocryphal) quote from the great physicist Richard Feynman: "If you can't explain something to a child, there's a chance you don't understand it well". So don't let any expert tell you: "it's too complex, don't try to understand, just believe my prediction". In that spirit, dear reader, please leave your isms and schisms at the door and join me in this ELI5 version of the problem of foreign currency in Ethiopia.
- In this post, we will talk about US Dollars as the "foreign" currency, but all of it applies equally to Euros or any freely exchanged and widely used currency.
- Feedback is welcome. If there are factual errors, please let me know and I will correct them. If you have a solid counter-argument to any point made herein, feel free to comment here or contact me on Twitter, and I will respond and update the post (with credit!).
Two markets
How much is one US Dollar worth in Ethiopian Birr? Officially the price is pegged, currently at around 55 ETB per USD. But if an ordinary person, let's call him Abebe, simply goes to his bank and asks to buy 1 dollar for 55 birr, they will say no. There is a limited supply of dollars. Ok how about 56, 57, ...? Nope. Now what if at the same time, another customer, let's call her Berhane, has a dollar and she's willing to sell it for 56? Naturally, the bank should be happy to buy that dollar at 56 and sell it to Abebe at 57. The buyer, the seller, and the bank would be happy. Problem solved! Actually no, by law, the bank is not allowed to do that. It must sell only to approved buyers at the official price and if that means those two customers go home unsatisfied, so be it.
So what is the alternative? Abebe and Berhane could meet privately, find a mutually agreeable price and exchange. This is called the parallel market (also known as the "black" market). Of course, even though it's a private transaction, just like when people buy and sell eggs or bread or whatever, information gets around and a market price emerges. These days it is apparently around 105 ETB per USD. No one is forcing this price, it's just a rough average of a lot of private transactions. In each case, the buyer and seller get what they need. Problem solved! Actually no, by law Abebe and Berhane are not allowed to do that.
So we have two markets: the official one where the price is pegged by law, and relatively few people can transact. And the "parallel" market where the price is voluntary but it is illegal.
Mind the gap
Having two markets would be no big deal if they were reasonably close. Even in free market prices, there are gaps due to distance, convenience, time delays, etc. But in this case, one price is almost double the other! This is an extreme gap by historical standards, a structural gap created by a legal barrier between the two markets. Let's examine how this barrier affects different people.
There are two groups, buyers (who have birr and want dollars) and sellers (who have dollars and want birr).
First consider the sellers. What brings dollars into Ethiopia? Roughly:
- Remittances: $6B/yr
- Foreign investment: $4B/yr
- Exports: $4B/yr
- International aid: $3B/yr
- Tourism: $0.4B/year
The buyers of course. Those who get dollars at the pegged rate. To get legal dollars, you need a "letter of credit", which allows the bank to take your birr and give you dollars to use abroad. This permission goes to the government itself and to private imports prioritized by the government.
Debatable priorities and the problem of central planning
This leaves the Ministry of Finance the unenviable task of deciding the relative importance of hundreds or thousands of things, and deciding which ones should get higher priority for letters of credit, lower priority or none at all. Last October, the government decided to ban letters of credit for 38 items.
The list includes oddly specific items like "Vimto", impossibly vague categories like "Different games", and hilarious ones like "Artificial and Human hairs" and "tiaras". Comedy aside, some choices are really sad. "Bicycles"! That one really broke my heart.
Oil gets a double subsidy: first from foreign currency priority, and second from getting explicit subsidies of the price at the fuel pump. Believe it or not, in Ethiopia which doesn't produce any oil, has a foreign currency crisis, and where less than 1% of the population has cars, the price of gasoline is half of the price in neighboring Kenya! Fuel subsidies may be one thing that is even crazier than the foreign currency nightmare, but let's leave that for another post.
Meanwhile, businesses are suffocating because they can't get foreign currency. If you make electrical equipment, you can't get the dollars to import copper, so you stop and wait. If you are constructing a building, you can't get dollars to buy steel, so you stop. Over 200 business ceased operations because of lack of foreign currencies. Manufacturers are getting less than 15% of the foreign currency they need for raw materials, according to the Ministry of Finance. A common sight around Addis Abeba is unfinished buildings, sitting half-built for months or years, a constant demonstration of wasted land, wasted capital, lost opportunities. If you talk to anybody in manufacturing, you will be overwhelmed with stories of dying companies. Companies fail all the time of course, that's the nature of business. But the heartbreaking thing is they are not failing for business reasons. Imagine you have the right idea, you invest lots of money, hire the right employees, make the right product, find the right customers. You are willing to pay for inputs at market value, but, understandably, you don't want to go to the black market. So you just sit and wait for permission to buy your inputs. And eventually close up shop. That is the tragic fate of many many businesses that could help the livelihood of millions, dying because of this foreign currency policy.
Perhaps the starkest illustration of the failure of this central planning approach to prioritization is: "Lack of forex to import fertilizer threatens agricultural output". Nothing is more important than agricultural production, and the government understands that. So they planned ahead and allocated $1B for fertilizer, much more than last year. But due to global market changes, the need is $1.2B. So here we are with a shortage of fertilizer.
In short what we have is the classic "economic calculation problem" which forever plagues central planning. The problem is not that the planners have bad intentions, nor that they are not smart enough, nor that they don't have the right data, nor that they need more powerful computers. It's more fundamental. In a large economy, the full information to make the optimal allocations simply does not exist in one place at one time no matter how much you try. You cannot sit at a desk and decide for 100M people whether steel is more or less important than copper, or whether aspirin is more important than fertilizer. The information is distributed in the subjective values and decisions of thousands of different actors, and when they act locally on their specific problems, their collective intelligence is much greater than even the best possible central planner.
Inefficiency of indirect subsidies
Further, even if we assume the priorities are perfectly correct and everyone agrees, there is another basic problem. Who pays for them? The cost is of course being born by the sellers we identified above: exporters, people receiving remittances, etc. And the benefit goes to specific imports. Which raises the question: why should coffee exporters or remittances carry the cost of gasoline for car owners? Why shouldn't plumbers, teff farmers or real estate businesses share the burden? A society may decide the rich should subsidize the poor, or some things should have punitive taxes, etc. But implicitly making one sector pay for another specific sector is unfair and inefficient, and leads to many unintended consequences. If the society wants something to be subsidized, then it's better for the government to spend money directly on that thing, using money that it collects through normal explicit taxes. The optimal mix of taxes (VAT, duties, income tax, etc.) is a separate debate the society can have. But whatever the specific combination of taxes, explicit taxes are better than an implicit tax via currency controls.
Another problem is that access to foreign currency becomes an exorbitant privilege, so there's an extreme incentive for corruption. Common sense says that when there's a magic way of doubling your money, there's bound to be some cheating. The people who are most adept at playing the privilege game will get more of it, while those who are politically naive get less. To think otherwise is to ignore human nature. Cronyism and corruption is rewarded and productive work is penalized. This is of course extremely damaging to the economic and moral health of the society.
The grey zone
Inevitably, many of those who can't get this privilege resort to the parallel market. Indeed, the black market has become mainstream. Increasingly this is not just individuals like Abebe and Berhane in our story above, but also in business. Research shows that prices of imported commodities are tracking the parallel market rather than the peg. Banks too are flirting with the black market, by adding transaction fees as high as 60% to bridge the gap. Even parts of government are resorting to the black market. For example, earlier this year, there was a huge public bus procurement scandal. The Addis Abeba city government paid 19 million birr per bus, which according to the peg, is about $350K. Critics screamed that those same buses cost less than $150K internationally, so surely someone pocketed the difference! But an alternative explanation soon emerged: the importer had to get their foreign currency at the parallel market rate. Using that rate, and adding the cost of shipping etc., the price seems more reasonable. Should you praise the importer for creative problem-solving (after all the city does need more public buses!), or condemn them for price gouging? You decide. It is a bit like the debate about "illegal" vs "undocumented" immigrants in the US, but much worse. Exploiter and exploited start to blur into an unhappy grey zone. Huge swaths of society are operating outside the law. The hypocrisy is staggering. People will publicly defend the peg and privately use the black market. That's not only legally risky for everyone involved, it's deeply corrosive to the rule of law. Ethiopia is becoming a mafia state.
The solution
The polite economist word for this nightmare is "distortion". And while the consequences are very wide and complicated, there is a simple and narrow solution. The government could simply revoke the law that says Abebe, Berhane and the banks are not allowed to exchange their USD for ETB at whatever price they agree to. That's what is meant by jargon like "float" or "unification", "liberalization", etc. Just let the two parties agree on a price. No other laws need to change. Any product that is illegal can remain illegal. Banking licenses don't need to change. Just decriminalize voluntary price. That's it.
And, surprise! That is actually the current Ethiopian government's position. Don't take my word for it. It said so in 2019: Ethiopia: Central Bank announces floating exchange rate regime. And again in 2020: Ethiopia Plans New Key Rate, Floating Currency to Boost Economy. Even now in 2023, exchange rate unification remains the goal. But the policy is "gradual", and 4 years in, the peg remains and the gap is growing. So what are we waiting for? Why don't they just waive this magic wand today?
The reasons for this inability to execute the change fall in two categories. First, this inefficiency benefits some special interests, even if it hurts the majority. And multi-billion dollar special interests, both within and outside government, are tough get rid of. The second set of reasons is many sincere but misguided fears, both within and outside the government, of what would happen with such a change. Let's examine them.
Inflation: the map and the territory
The most common fear is: if the currency is floated, inflation will go up. But this is due to a misunderstanding. Let's say the international price of copper is $0.10 per gram. And the local competition is such that importers can't make more than 10% profit. If copper is a priority and importers get letters of credit allowing them to buy dollars at 55 ETB/USD, they can import it for 5.50 birr and sell it to you for 6 Birr. Ok great. But if the importers can't get foreign currency, what is the price? It's as if the price is infinity. You could go bankrupt while waiting for copper to be available. Or go to jail buying it from smugglers. Now suppose the importers can get dollars at a market rate legally, they will bring it in at a cost of 10 birr and sell it for 11. The naive academic might say there is inflation because the price went up from 6 to 11. But people in the real world realize that 11 is less than infinity! Scarcity is a form of inflation. Focusing only on official prices while ignoring scarcity is mistaking the map for the territory, or mistaking the thermometer for the temperature.
Of course inflation is a serious problem so it's easy to fall for this fallacy. But would you trust a doctor using a broken thermometer who says: if we fix the thermometer, you will develop a fever? No, you want a practical one who sees the thermometer is broken and that you already have a fever. So while academics and commentators talk about potential inflation, people who provide real goods and services know that the inflation they fear is already happening.
Exchange rate
A closely related concern is that if the exchange rate is floated, then the currency will rapidly lose value. There are three versions of this worry.
Some think that, by some unexplained law of nature, the black market has to remain more expensive than the official market. So if the official market is floated and ETB/USD goes from 55 to 100, then the black market price will go to 200. That is nonsense The black market responds to supply and demand. If there is a functioning legal market, then there's no reason for anyone to pay a higher price and also take the risk of doing something illegal! It's just human nature, people prefer to pay less, and people don't like going to jail.
A more sophisticated version of this worry is the following: in the black market, both supply of and demand for foreign currency are suppressed, and if you legalize free exchange, the demand might increase more than the supply so the market price will be higher. But this is also incorrect. Usually, when there's prohibition, supply is more suppressed than demand. Or to be technical, the elasticity of supply is greater than the elasticity of demand. Without prohibition, all else being equal, the price is lower.
Another variant of the same fear is based on historical examples. In a recent discussion on this topic this example came up: once upon a time, Sudan floated their currency. At the time of the change of policy, the USD on the black market was at 550 SDP. After the float, the market price rose to 600 SDP/USD. So proponents of currency control claim that getting rid of it caused the SDP to lose 10% of its value. But they should note that in the preceding decade, the black market price of USD had risen 5000%! The currency was losing value very fast. And floating it, if anything, slowed it down. Similarly in the case of Ethiopia, I wouldn't say that if the exchange rate is allowed to float today, the price of foreign currency will go down tomorrow! Most likely it will continue to rise but it will slow down. Here's a picture to illustrate the point (the dots represent real values of the black market as reported in news articles over the last 5 years):
In short, the black market price is the free market plus a risk premium. If it is decriminalized, the risk premium goes away. So the black market is an upper bound on what the natural market price would be.
Speculative attacks
A closely related fear is that if the currency is freely exchanged, international currency traders would swoop in and wreak havoc by "speculating". It is true that financial markets can be volatile but let's put that in perspective. That volatility is much less than the brutality of the practical forex market as currently experienced by Ethiopians today. The random shocks of getting or not getting a letter of credit are much worse. You can go for arbitrary length periods with an effective price of infinity and volume of zero!
Sure, if the currency was freely traded, the National Bank of Ethiopia (the central bank) and the Ministry of Finance may make monetary or fiscal policy errors, reserves might run low, etc. But all that would be child's play compared to the devastation the current currency regime is inflicting on the real economy. That said, the government can and should shore up reserves. Two obvious moves: stop fuel subsidies; sell off non-strategic and poorly-performing state enterprises (of which there are many).
Sequencing reforms
A related point often made by academics and commentators is: yes the parallel market should be decriminalized, but first the economy must be strengthened, productivity must increase etc. This argument is a bit like sitting in a burning house and saying: yes the fire is bad, but first let's invest in non-flammable furniture and curtains. It's missing the burning issue. The currency not being freely exchangeable is suffocating the very things that make the economy more productive.
Upside down tiger
Another argument given against free exchange is that some countries, like the so-called Asian Tigers and China, grew their economies while controlling their currencies. The irony is that in those cases, the control consisted of under-valuing their currencies, to promote exports and investments, while suppressing imports and domestic consumption. They essentially delayed the rise in standard of living in exchange for faster industrialization. But what we have in Ethiopia is the exact opposite: the peg over-values the currency, which subsidizes selected imports, while lowering investment, domestic production and exports! You might call this the "upside down tiger" de-industrialization strategy. No country has grown out of poverty this way.
Brace for media impact
If the peg is abandoned, we can be almost sure that a lot of the commentariat will miss these two points:
- they will compare the new free market price to the old peg, instead of comparing it to the old black market price, falling for the map and territory fallacy;
- they will comment on the increase of foreign currency exchange rate, rather than the fact that the rate of increase declines.
Even economics professors confuse a decline in the rate of change with an actual decline in the price! So what are the chances journalists and social media activists will be rational? Low. They will probably scream bloody murder. And governments know that. Hence the "gradual" policy. To be blunt, the political cost of doing the right thing is very high.
It's amazing how many people think the strength or weakness of a currency is determined by a government simply deciding on a price. And they talk about "devaluation" as if it is a matter of just typing in a larger number. Their concept is: the bad guys will force African countries to use a larger number! Oh no, devaluation! We must fight the IMF! Neocolonialism! Bla bla bla. I'm very critical of the IMF and the current international financial order, but this conception of "devaluation" is complete nonsense. But it is political dynamite and a lot of energy is spent trying to defuse it. Here's how I would respond to it. If you think "government type big number = bad", then ask yourself do you believe that "type small number= good"? If it's that easy, do you think that, tomorrow, the Ethiopian government could set the peg at 50 ETB/USD instead of 55 ETB/USD and all imports would automatically be 10% cheaper? If they peg it at 0.01 ETB/USD would imports suddenly be 5000 times cheaper, and the average Ethiopian would afford a Ferrari? Of course not.
Root cause of currency strength or weakness
From a policy making perspective, the exchange rate is an effect not a cause. It's an output signal, not an input variable. The real price (which is approximated by the black market not the peg) is a reflection of a basic reality: how many dollars are coming, and how many dollars are going out. This is called the balance of payments. The birr gets weaker if the economy is not bringing in enough dollars. Exports and foreign investments are too little compared to the consumption of imports. And this imbalance can only improve if a) the economy produces more things the rest of the world wants, and b) the country is more attractive for investment.
Now as we saw earlier, the first order victims of the peg overvaluing ETB are exporters, investors, and remittance recipients. The gap between the market and the peg is a de facto tax on them so it directly reduces their volume. Fewer dollars come in. At the same time, it's a de facto subsidy of specific imports, which means more dollars go out. Which makes the currency weaker. Which increases the gap. That's the death spiral of a weakening currency. The second order victims are manufacturers and producers more generally; even if they are not exporters, they help the balance of payments by creating products that would otherwise have to be imported. Plus they are part of making the society more productive which improves chances that the society will make stuff the rest of the world wants. Thus, by choking producers, the peg further increases the imbalance, another vicious cycle.
There is no solution that doesn't include facing reality. Recognize that 55 ETB is just not worth 1 USD. The peg doesn't make the currency stronger. A broken thermometer does not cure fever! The cure starts by getting rid of the peg, which will
- in the short term, eliminate the risk premium, improve availability of consumer goods, eliminate an unfair de-facto tax and subsidy, reduce corruption, and stop a major cause of socio-economic rot;
- and in the longer term, increase exports, foreign investments, and productivity of the society, which will help fix the structural weakness of the currency.
People voluntarily exchanging things at prices they agree on is not a neo-colonial imperialist capitalist evil that needs to be forbidden. It's what humans have always done naturally everywhere, including in Ethiopia.